Thursday, November 25, 2010

THANKSGIVING EDITION- What I Ate (in Pictures)

Most of us have started preparation for todays feast at least yesterday, if not days ago. The thoughts of your menus that you've shared this week were running through my head as I woke up to start some early prep work this morning. My mind of course went to enjoying our own traditional meal, and of course I then thought about if I'm making WAY too much, because I know how little I will personally eat. Previously, if there was a dish that was less popular, no problem! I loved it ALL! I still love it all, but only about a spoonful or two.

Here's the PICTURES part... I would love to see pictures of YOUR Thanksgiving meal, AND I thought it would be funny for some, and helpful for others, if we took pics of our own personal plates and food through this particularly glutonous day to see how LITTLE we actually ate. Ok, I'm doing it... and if anyone else is blogging on Thanksgiving... please join me?



  1. I'm doin it! I actually started with my breakfast, took a pic of that, just to keep all days foods in check! I can't wait to see how everyone did! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. LOVE this idea! Especially since Canadian Thanksgiving is long over :) ha!

    Happy Turkey Day!
