Sunday, April 25, 2010

Let's talk a little more about SWELLING!

Tuesday morning, my pre-op at home weight was 181 pounds! I had 13 pounds of fat and skin removed later that morning. So, that should put my weight at? 168 pounds with 131 pounds lost!!! What does my scale tell me this morning? 186 pounds. Granted I was fully clothed, but the 6 and the 8 should have been reversed. I am so tight feeling from all this damn swelling... but am I really carrying around 18 pounds of water weight? I know I've said this previously, but it is not mathematically possible for me to have gained even one ounce. About one third of my body is an internal scab, so I am a calorie burning machine right now. I'm eating the same exact amounts post-op as pre-op. No special treats (beyond my normal special treats, which have allowed me to continue losing weight). I can't even close my loose pants. For some reason, I thought one week out and this journey would be spiraling beautifully towards it's happy little ending. That did NOT include massive bloating, when I had this all planned and pictured out in my brain. Not exactly what I had envisioned.

Girl Bandit, sorry I haven't been ignoring your question. Yes, I asked for skin only. I thought that's what I got, because my post-op was going so well the first few days. That was the largest reason I wanted skin only. But, now I can only walk hunched over, and have all the symptoms I was concerned about having if I had muscle work, so I'm wondering if a few muscle stitches weren't thrown in just for good measure. This was done as a professional courtesy, so I feel awkward asking straight up. Plus, I still wouldn't know either way what the difference feels like.

We rebandaged everything last night. Took pictures, but I'm still deciding on whether to post them or not. Yes, they are that bad. If I'm questioning it, you know it's got to be ugly. No signs of infection, so that's good. Drain sites are sutured in nicely. The repair looks crooked, but I think that was to compensate for the uneveness of my excess skin. All of my folds and creases were symmetrical. That's what we're going for here. Less freakish. I want to look as normal as possible in clothes, and that's all I'm going for here.

Amw W, thanks for comparing my cha cha to Barney! Barney is NOT just a purple dinosaur? From my imagination? Nope. That very high purple cha cha is definitely not an imaginary figment, I made Mr. W check. Anyway, if I could think of a more feminine form of the name, I'd consider adding another word to my female anatomy list. At least for while it's still purple. Am I really writing this paragraph?

I'm saving the best for last. Jen- thanks for your support. Hearing your voice, and knowing your genuine concern meant more to me than I can express. It's cliche, but only bandsters know bandsters. I think that's why so many husbands have been so supportive of our blogging activities (for the most part, anyway). We need each other. It makes us happy at such a deep level to be understood in a way no other people on earth could understand us. This gives as as much of a fighting chance as our bands themselves. I'm not just saying it when I say I love you all. I do.


  1. I'm sorry about all the swelling...though it's normal it sucks. I lost weight initially but that was cuz I wasn't eating and then totally gained. They pump you full of saline and the swelling = major poundage but it's temporary. Hang in there - you're doing great. Yoga pants might be your friend for a while. I think even without muscle repair you'd be hunched from them pulling your skin tight. That usually lasts about two weeks I think. Love you!

  2. Sorry you're not feeling so great. The weight gain certainly is bizarre.

  3. It is ALL water weight! I gained 10 lbs over night with my GB surgery! Can't wait to see how your surgery turns out! Thank you so much for sharing, I am so excited for you. Look at that freaking flat tummy side view!


  4. It's got to be all water. It'll start going down, I'm sure. Thanks so much for posting about this surgery, I know it's something I've been thinking about and planning to do when I get to goal, and it's so helpful to hear from you. Although to be perfectly honest I have to read your posts with my left hand blocking the surgical photos. I don't do well with gore, but I applaud you for having the guts (heh) to post them.

  5. I think Drazil is right about the saline being the culprit here.

    Thank you SO MUCH for posting this. I had NO idea what was involved. I'm so glad to hear that your pain was minimal.

  6. I've heard a TT is a tough surgery but the end result will be amazing!! Hang in there! *I can usually only read half of your posts because I can't stomach the skin in a bowl pics :-( *

  7. Two fo my friends have had this surgery....I need to find out whether the muscles were invovled. Thanks for you honest account of your surgery....

  8. Sending you many good thoughts and prayers!!

  9. Got your comment. You are not a baby. MANY women need pain meds as far out as a month. Did you get any muscle relaxers? That might help with the hunching over. I had valium and codeine I think. I have a high pain tolerance so was off in a week but most people use for two weeks or more and then even move to Tylenol for a while. It is a LONG recovery! You're not a druggie. You're not doing any lifting right? Take care of yourself. Be careful with Lortab - that can make you constipated which really makes things worse. Stay away from high sodium - chips - it'll make swelling WAY worse. Hang in there.

  10. Bless your heart. I'm so sorry. Concentrate on healing right now and stay away from the scale until the swelling goes down. Sending good thoughts to you!
