Sunday, April 18, 2010


1) cutest little boy in the world
2) wonderful women I work with
3) Ronald McDonald & me
4) forgot to show you my bag
5) real shoes... so many women were jealous...
6) Mr. Wonderful Handsome Stud & me. (We took lots, but this was the least silly, or windy, or non-red eyed, or whatever...).

We had fun. Conversation was smooth as butter. Mr. W knew more people there than I did... go figure. Sandy- there were things we could actually afford to bid on. I found something perfect and put the high bid, and some fat bastard wrote in a higher bid. That's karma I guess, because Mr. W did the same thing and won a basket of transformers "for our five year old".

The hotel was great, the jacuzzi relaxing, we went to our favorite breakfast this morning, and now we're home to do yard work. The spell is officially broken! Thought I'd share a few pics before I head outside. Thanks for all of the sweet and perverted comments, you know I love both!


  1. My God - you should just live in that color - you light up in it!

  2. Glad you had a great night. I've learned to stalk the bid pages and slip in that last bid too.

  3. You both look wonderful. Didn't you feel like grown ups all dresses up? Or maybe like teenagers going to the prom?

    I got your note about U2 in SLC - God knows I would love to go, but since I've committed to BOOBS now I need to save my pennies.
    Did I ask you if you had a roomie?

  4. great pictures!! you looked gorgeous in your dress

  5. hey hot mama....... you look awesome! i can't wait until chicago.

    i have a small request...can you share some tummy pics? i am starting to get freaked out of what is happening to my stomach area in terms of skin and need to "see" what the end result may look like. thanks.

  6. YOU .... LOOK.... GORGEOUS!!!!!!
