Monday, June 28, 2010

The little guy just doesnt want to come out....

Hello Blog Nation,

"Mr. W" again sitting in for Band-Babe, who is still at the hospital with her daughter. Last I knew, they had just broke her water, and she was cursing her boyfriend... so all is going well! She wanted me to let all y'all know that we are still in a holding pattern. And how does the headbanger granpa celebrate his first grandson, Aiden, coming into the world? Thankfully, Iron Maiden already thought of it (thany YOU photoshop).


  1. Lara, I think I might have a crush on your hilarious hubby! Shhh...don't tell him!

  2. LOL! I hope he gets here soon--Mom, Dad, G-ma, and G-pa must be tired (of waiting)!!!

  3. Awwww, I have a grandson named Aiden too! Congratulations!!!!!

  4. I have not had children yet, but I imagine that cursing for the father is a good sign! Good Luck!

    Also, awesome IM logo for Aiden! I am going to have to show this to my husband, he loves IM! Rock on Grandpa! <3
