Friday, May 14, 2010

Sex, Drugs, and Rock -n- Roll

Sex? Yes, please. Drugs? Hooray, my pain is under control! Rock -n- Roll? My husband surprised me with tickets to RATT!?!? It's even on a work night! I was definitely not into heavy metal as a teenager, however NOW I am unashamedly into ALL THINGS 80's. So, I'm actually excited! I'm sure the concert will be fun, but I'm mostly excited because I can go to it and not feel bad about myself. Right or wrong, when I was more overweight I would not have agreed to go to anything like this. But now... I'm excited about hair, make-up, clothes... and feel as if I can really LIVE life. Life is much better banded.


  1. Yay! So glad your pain is better. Chronic pain really wears on your spirit. And have fun at the concert! I'm sure it will be a blast (even tho I have NO idea who RATT is lol)!

  2. Ratt...I used to think the lead singer, Steven Pearcy, was hot. Tease that hair, throw on some blue eyeliner and acid washed jeans and you will be good to go. The 80's totally rock, BTW.

  3. OH MY GAWD, my HUSBAND IS THE ULTIMATE RATT FAN! He travels all over to see them. He even just received a signed book from one of them. Its kinda crazy! Where are they playing???

  4. So glad you are feeling better. Dear God, I have no idea who RATT is. Does that mean I am as old as dirt? Have fun!

  5. You so deserve this! You go girl! I might go to Ozzfest and paint my naked boobies. You wanna go?

  6. Bang your head, girlfriend!!

  7. Yea, make that body talk baby! I love me some RATT!

  8. Glad your pain is under control. Have fun at Ratt - I can totally remember the band but none of their songs right now. Make your hair really big OK?

  9. Never heard of them but I so get you about life being better banded. I have been asked for drink next week with the girls and last year I would have said no because I was fat and had nothing to wear but now??? Bring it on...Congrats to you

  10. Your husband and my husband must meet. You should do the whole 80's hair band groupie thing. Maybe you can take pictures on the hood of a car!
