Monday, May 10, 2010

Ten seconds in heaven...

No, not that. For heaven's sake. So, yesterday, for mothers day... my five year old son agreed to give me a ten second hug... and I got to be the counter!!! I am a lucky, lucky woman.

Other than that? Not too much. I'm in burning pain from my Fibromyalgia. I drove straight to my doctor's office this morning. No appointment or anything. I can NOT white knuckle this again. Right now I have the energy to fight.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day!


  1. Can't think of a much better present!!!

  2. Awww..that is so sweet! Boys.
    I hope you feel better!

  3. I hope you feel better soon. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 12 years ago, I need to get your e-mail address so I can share all the details of my treatment. I symptom free now.
    I'm thinking of you, there is nothing worse.

  4. Sorry you are in such pain.... :(

  5. So cute - you got 10 whole seconds. I'm sorry you are in pain. Hopefully you get what you need from the doc.

  6. Yesterday my son wouldn't kiss me until I reminded him that it was mothers day! lol. They're so sweet.

  7. Hey sweets - ever try oils for your fibro? I'm going to try them for my migraines. I'll try anything. Um holy skinny-ness in that top picture - geez! ♥ you to pieces!

  8. Ouch. Whatever that pain is, sounds awful. Love the hug from your boy.

  9. So sorry to hear that you are still in so much pain. And with the Fibromyalgia pain as well!!

    My Fibromyalgia symptoms decreased dramatically after my Surgery and initial loss of weight. But now that I have been holding steady and my body having adjusted to the new weight loss, my Fibromyalgia appears to be rearing its ugly head again!! But at least I don't have the pain from your Surgery on top of it!!

